Plants that Produce Oxygen at Night and Help Improve Sleep Quality

These days in the hustle bustle of a modern life, a good sleep takes a backseat. We’ve been purchasing cozy mattresses, blackout curtains but what about the quality of the air that we breath at night. These indoor plants are known for producing oxygen at night and removing toxins, enhancing the bedroom space.

These plants not just give a green touch to your living space but some of them also give out aromatic fragrance. These plants improve your overall health mood and help you relax better.

  1. Aloe Vera

We know that Aloe Vera does wonders to the skin. But it can also be a super bedroom companion. Aloe vera is an easily maintained plant and improves the quality of the air by removing toxins.

  • Snake Plant

Snake plant is a number one choice for bedroom air purification. It is a superstar when it comes to converting carbon di oxide into oxygen at night. Snake plant also removes airborne toxins, hence making it a best choice for a quality sleep.

  • Spider Plant

Spider plant removes pollutants like Xylene and toluene while emitting oxygen at night. Spider plant is very easy to grow and thrives in all type of conditions. It is known for its air purifying qualities.

  • Lavender

Not only does lavender releases oxygen during night but also adds soothing aroma to your bedroom. Lavender’s calming scent improves sleep quality and helps your mind relax.

  • Peace Lily

This elegant plant adds on to the bedroom’s aesthetics and also removes pollutants.

Peace lily is great at breaking down and neutralizing toxic gases like carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. Peace Lily promotes a healthier sleeping by contributing a cleaner environment.

  • Jasmine

Jasmine well known for its intoxicating scent an outstanding oxygen producing plant for the bedroom.

The aroma promotes a sense of calmness and helps in reducing stress and improving sleep quality.

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